Where do great white sharks breed?

The breeding grounds of the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) are not fully known, as they can vary between populations and regions. However, female great white sharks tend to give birth in sheltered coastal waters, such as bays, estuaries, and other areas with calm, shallow conditions. Here are a few known or suspected breeding grounds for great white sharks:

1. South African Waters: The waters around South Africa are considered one of the most important breeding grounds for great white sharks. The shallows of Mossel Bay, Algoa Bay, and False Bay are known to provide suitable conditions for breeding and pupping.

2. Australian Waters: Great white sharks are found along the Australian coast, and breeding grounds have been identified in the Spencer Gulf, Gulf St Vincent, and the Great Australian Bight. These areas offer calm, protected bays that are ideal for birthing and early development.

3. California Coast (United States): The coastline of California, particularly around the Farallon Islands, is a known breeding ground for great white sharks. Protected areas like the Gulf of the Farallones serve as a nursery for juvenile sharks.

4. Guadalupe Island (Mexico): Guadalupe Island, located off the Pacific Coast of Mexico, is another prominent breeding ground for great white sharks. The waters surrounding the island provide shelter, abundant food sources, and ideal conditions for reproductive behavior.

5. New Zealand Waters: Great white sharks breed along the New Zealand coastline, particularly in the Hauraki Gulf and the Bay of Plenty. These regions offer shallow, sheltered waters and plentiful food for both adult and juvenile sharks.

6. Mediterranean Sea: While less well-studied, there is evidence of great white shark breeding in the Mediterranean Sea, particularly in areas such as the Adriatic Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the Ionian Sea.

7. North Atlantic: The Mid-Atlantic waters between North America and Europe have been identified as a possible breeding ground for great white sharks. However, more research is needed to confirm specific locations.

It's worth noting that the exact birthing sites within these regions may vary over time and precise locations are often kept secret to minimize human interference and disturbance during sensitive breeding seasons. Great white sharks are apex predators and vital to maintaining marine ecosystems, and efforts are made to protect their breeding grounds to ensure the preservation of their species.