What types of marine animals provide the basis for commercial fishing industry in Oregon?

The commercial fishing industry in Oregon has historically relied on a variety of marine animals as the basis for its operations. Some of the key species that have supported the industry include:

1. Salmon: Oregon is renowned for its salmon fishing, with several species, such as Chinook (King), Coho (Silver), Sockeye (Red), and Chum, being commercially harvested. These fish are highly prized for their flavorful meat and are processed and marketed both locally and internationally.

2. Groundfish: Groundfish species, such as Pacific cod, sablefish (black cod), rockfish, hake, and flounder, are important components of the commercial fishing industry in Oregon. These fish are typically bottom-dwelling and are caught using various methods like trawling, bottom longlining, and jigging.

3. Shellfish: Oregon's shellfish industry includes harvesting species such as Dungeness crab, red rock crab, blue crab, shrimp, and oysters. Crab and shrimp are caught using traps and pots, while oysters are farmed in estuaries and bays along the coast.

4. Tuna: Albacore tuna is a commercially significant fish species targeted by Oregon's fishing fleet. These fish are caught using troll gear and are often processed into canned or other value-added products.

5. Sablefish: Sablefish, also known as black cod, is a prized commercial species in Oregon. It is highly valued for its delicate, flavorful meat and is often sold as a premium product in markets around the world.

These marine animals, among others, provide the basis for Oregon's commercial fishing industry, contributing to the state's economy and seafood production.