How can you tell if a shubunkin goldfish is pregnant and so how long before they have baby fish?

Shubunkins are egg-laying fish (known as spawners) and females release eggs when prompted to by the male. The male fish will chase the females around the tank until she releases her eggs and he will fertilize them. At one time, she can release several hundred eggs.

Signs that a female shubunkin is pregnant:

* Abdomen: The abdomen of a pregnant female shubunkin will become swollen and round as the eggs develop.

* Cloaca: The cloaca, which is the opening where the eggs are released, will become red and swollen.

* Coloration: The female's body may become lighter in color as the eggs develop.

* Behavior: The female may become more lethargic and may spend more time at the bottom of the tank.

Gestation period:

The gestation period for shubunkin goldfish varies depending on the water temperature. In warm water (75-80 degrees Fahrenheit), the eggs will hatch in about 5-7 days. In cooler water (65-70 degrees Fahrenheit), the eggs may take up to 10 days to hatch.

Caring for pregnant shubunkin goldfish:

* Provide plenty of space: Pregnant females need plenty of space to swim and move around. A 20-gallon tank is the minimum recommended size for a single pregnant female.

* Keep the water clean: Clean water is essential for the health of the female and her eggs. Change the water in the tank frequently, and remove any uneaten food or waste.

* Provide hiding places: Pregnant females need places to hide from the male and other fish. Provide plenty of plants, rocks, or other hiding places in the tank.

* Feed a healthy diet: Pregnant females need a healthy diet to support their own health and the development of their eggs. Feed them a high-quality food that is specifically designed for goldfish.

Caring for shubunkin fry:

* Once the eggs have hatched, they will need to be fed a special diet of finely ground food.

* The fry will grow rapidly, and will need to be moved to a larger tank as they grow.

* Keep the water clean and free of debris.

* Provide plenty of hiding places for the fry.

* With proper care, the shubunkin fry will grow into healthy adult fish.