- How many dolphins are killed in a day?
- Do whales get hunted for their meat?
- What ocean animals eat whales?
- Is there such thing as a giraffe fish?
- When do Chinese river dolphins give birth?
- Is fish food bad for dogs?
- What is the only whale that preys upon other mammals?
- If whales are mammals how come they can sleep under water and we
- Are dolphins a part of the cow family?
- Why should the Japanese still be allowed to kill whales?
- What animals rhyme with squid?
- Why are people a threat to whales?
- What animal rhymes with the word dolphin?
- What are facts about seals they use their back flipper to push them through the water.?
- What mammal has a billswims like fish and is covered with fur?
- What is the habit of an dolphin?
- What are whales?
- Does a cheetah belong in trophic level?
- What are dolphins unique for regarding the fact that they mammals?
- Can stoats attack humans if cornered?
- What does a killer whales tale look like?
- Why do the Japanese kill whale?
- What is an aquatic animal that starts with y?
- Why do the whales produce a keening sounds?
- Are beluga whales playful with people?
- Why dolphins hear human voices.?
- What are cheetahs born with or without?
- Why did Karana decide that she would kill the wild dogs?
- Which animal breathes through gills when young and lungs an adult?
- What does it mean when you dream that are eating your own pet dog?
- How did the Stellers sea cow get its name?
- Do gray whales eat coho salmon?
- What do lepord seals eat?
- What makes a whale whale?
- Is a sordfish faster than dolphin?
- Whales and dolphins spend all their life in water. Why are they classified as mammals?
- Why do dolphins like going near boats?
- Is it good for dogs to eat tuna?
- Are Killer Whales mammals like humans?
- How many species of dolphins are endangered?
- How can you protect whales from getting hurt?
- Why is it wrong to hunt whales?
- What phylum does a killer whale belong to?
- Why are whales and dolphin classified under mammals?
- Who does a cheetah compete with for water?
- Why is the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin endangered?
- What will rotten shrimp do to your dog?
- What is a marine mammal?
- What type of fish does sea lions eat?
- Are a pack of dolphins called school fish?