- Where do dolphins and shark live?
- What is the habitat of polar bear and penguin?
- What habitat do hippos live in?
- Whats the habitat of a gazelles?
- What does a habitat look like?
- Where is the habitat and what food do they eat?
- Where is a cheetahs habitat?
- What are the habitats for sea otters?
- Why might large predator populations be a good indicator of the ecological health an area?
- What is the habitat for spinner dolphin?
- What is the habitat of a Giant River Otter?
- What are some differences in a beaver and dolphin habitat?
- What lives in an habitat?
- Is the hippopotamus losing its habitat?
- What area are minke whales hunted in?
- What plants are in a dolphins habitat?
- What are sloths habitats?
- What does a sea lions habitat look like?
- What does the sea habitat look like?
- What conditions account for the development of highly diverse habitats in coastal waters?
- What is the habitat of Dusky Dolphin?
- How does a population of beavers affect fish in the same community?
- What is the dolphins habitat and why does it live there?
- Do any fish live in trees?
- What covers the gills of perch?
- Where is fish heart located?
- Where do fisherman bat live?
- Is it true that fish only grow to their environment?
- What omnivores live in pond?
- What is the climate for salmon islands?
- What kind of place sharks prefer to live in?
- Where does salmon lives?
- What type of habitat must a great white shark have in oder to survive?
- Where is the general place fish live?
- How many levels of environment are there on fish tycoon?
- If the plants were gone would peoples catch any fish?
- What is difference between fish scales and reptile scales?
- In which zone do commercial fisherman seek large catches?
- What is the predator of perch?
- What type of shelter do eels need?
- What is the area of Codfish Island?
- Where does a butterfly fish survive?
- Why does white spot get confused with cold water fish in breeding condition?
- What kind of habitat does a milkfish live in?
- What part of a pond ecosystem gives small fish shelter?
- Where does fish live?
- What habitat would be best for a white sucker fish?
- Why do demoiselle fish sleep in the sea caves?
- What is phases of fish culture?
- What is the habitat of a glofish?