Here are the main reasons why they are vulnerable:
* Habitat loss and degradation: Human activities like deforestation, agriculture, and urbanization are destroying and fragmenting hippopotamus habitats. This limits their access to food, water, and breeding grounds.
* Hunting and poaching: Hippos are hunted for their meat, hides, and teeth. While this is illegal in many areas, poaching continues to be a threat.
* Human-wildlife conflict: As human populations expand into hippopotamus territories, conflicts arise over resources. Hippos often damage crops and may attack humans, leading to retaliatory killings.
* Disease: Hippos can be affected by diseases like anthrax, which can cause outbreaks and mortality.
* Climate change: Climate change is expected to further exacerbate habitat loss and degradation, making hippos more vulnerable.
Despite being classified as Vulnerable, river hippos are still considered relatively abundant in many parts of their range. However, their population is declining, and ongoing conservation efforts are crucial to ensure their survival.