How to Care for Fish Tank Plants

Plants provide a healthy environment for your aquarium. They oxygenate the water, absorb carbon dioxide, help balance the water chemistry and provide a food source for fish. Aquarium plants will also enhance the look of your tank and provide natural refuge for the fish. Proper care is important for your plants to thrive and remain healthy. Select plants for your fish tank that are specifically cultivated to be submerged.


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      Remove any decaying or yellow leaves from the plants. Also remove any rotting roots, which are limp and brown. These will decay and cause bacteria in your water.

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      Provide up to 12 hours of light to your plants daily. Proper lighting will balance the carbon dioxide levels of your tank. Aquarium plants consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen when the tank is lit. Carbon dioxide levels should be maintained below 40 milligrams per liter of water. If carbon dioxide levels are too high, you will see the fish gasping for air near the surface of the water.

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      Change 25 percent of the aquarium water and your filter every two weeks. This will help to remove algae and keep your plants healthy. It is recommended to have more plants than fish to maintain a healthy balance. If you have high levels of algae growth, you will need to change up to 50 percent of the water.

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      Fertilize your plants with a solid, granular or liquid fertilizer. Pale plants are an indicator of malnutrition and a need for fertilization. Refer to the manufacturer's directions for the proper amount of fertilizer to add to your tank. Cloudy water is an indicator of over-fertilization. You must change the water continuously until it clears.