Aquarium Anti Algae Plants

Algae can prove detrimental to an aquarium environment, though aquarium enthusiasts can alter lighting conditions or incorporate fish into the environment that will reduce the amount of algae. In addition, you can also clean algae from your fish tank. You should always inform a fish specialist about the types of fish you own before using chemical agents to reduce algae, as agents can be toxic to certain kinds of fish. Although artificial plants will not eliminate algae growth, many species of aquatic plants can reduce excessive growth.
  1. Anacharis

    • Plant Anacharis stems in your aquarium, pinning the stems down at the base using rocks or gravel. The plant grows quickly, so the stems must be trimmed every one to two weeks. In addition to competing with algae for nutrients in your aquarium, Anacharis also provides a place for your fish to breed and hide. If stems begin to wither or die, they should immediately be removed from the pond. Dead plants and fish can promote algae growth. Other plants that will be successful in an aquarium environment, and which are similar to Anacharis, should be plants that are green to reduce algae.

    Cabomba Plants

    • Cabomba plants, or Carolina Fanwort, is an invasive plant species that is competitive. It can be rooted in the bottom of an aquarium or left to float in your tank. It should be pruned and trimmed regularly to avoid overgrowth. Cabomba plants can survive and compete in high lighting conditions as well as low light conditions. Aquarium owners should reduce lighting in order to reduce algae growth.

    Vallisneria Species

    • Vallisneria species such as Vallisneria americana are inexpensive, fast-growing plants that can reduce algae growth in an aquarium or pond. Plants such as these also have larger leaves, which prove useful in the fight against excessive algae growth. It is unlikely to interfere with other plant species in your aquarium, and it provides a habitat for your fish.

    Ceratophyllym Demersum Plants

    • Ceratophyllym demersum, or hornwort, is a rootless plant species that will often float along the top of your aquarium, or you may pin it down to the bottom of your aquarium with the use of fishing line, mud, or other aquarium-safe adhesives. It is best used in a cooler, poorly lit environment, and it can provide a habitat for younger fish in your aquarium.

    Water lilies

    • The flowering water lily plant will rest on the surface of your aquarium, providing shade to the fish in the tank. However, its growth should be kept in check with regular pruning. The plant can survive in low lighting conditions.