How to Add Fish to Your Farm Tank

When adding fish to your fish farm tank, it is important to clean the tank first, and allow the fish to adjust to the temperature of the tank before releasing them. The tank should be filled with warm filtered water at a temperature around 75 degrees. It is also important to make sure you have enough room for the amount of fish you are getting. You should have two or three mature fish for every square meter of water surface. By learning how to add to your farm fish properly, you can keep your fish healthy and avoid deaths from shock.

Things You'll Need

  • Charcoal filters
  • PH strips
  • Farm fish
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      Filter the water in the tank two weeks completely before you get the new fish. Filter the water by running it though a charcoal filter. Test the water with pH strips before adding fish. The pH level should be six point five to seven. If the pH level is too high, add a small amount of lime, the calcium oxide mixture, to the water. If it is too low, add gypsum.

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      Handle the fish very carefully when they are delivered. The fish should be delivered in large plastic bags full of water. Place the fish in the tank while still in their plastic bags to let them slowly adjust to the temperature change. Keep the fish in the tank in their bags for one to two hours.

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      Release the fish from their bags to swim freely in the farm tank. Feed the fish immediately to help them feel more comfortable.