How to Farm Catfish Aquaculture

Aquaculture is the practice of raising fish and plants in an enclosed system, generally in a greenhouse or indoor environment. The plants clean the water for the fish and provide them with food, and the fish eat bacteria and pests that could damage the plants. Raising catfish with aquaculture requires a large aquatic system, and it is easiest to accomplish this system if the fish are raised in a greenhouse or other large, open, warm area.
Although it can be challenging to start and run an aquaculture system, there are things you can do to make it successful.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquaponic system
  • Pump
  • Catfish
  • Plants
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      Choose an aquaponic system that is large enough to sustain a population of fully-grown catfish. A large aquaponic system will need to contain several hundred gallons of water and be at least 2 feet deep and 2 to 3 feet wide.

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      Decide on a filtering system for your aquaponic farm. Ebb and flow systems oxygenate the water more efficiently, whereas a constant flow system is a more efficient filterer. Use a constant flow system to raise fish.

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      Fill the tank with clean water and plants to prepare it for the addition of fish. Use plants that grow well in an aquaculture environment, such as lettuce, tomatoes or other garden plants. Garden specialists can offer advice on what plants will grow best in your area.

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      Add catfish to the aquaponic container. Raising fish from fingerling size is easiest; fingerling fish are young, small fish.

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      Feed the fish daily. Catfish require a diet high in protein and vitamins; specially prepared catfish food can be purchased for this purpose.