The Best Plants for Fish

Live plants are an essential part of a healthy aquatic ecosystem. When selecting plants for a stocked aquarium, aquarists should choose sturdy, low-maintenance plants that offer benefits for the fish.
  1. Java Moss

    • This fuzzy-leafed aquatic plant is accepts many variations of temperature and water chemistry. It is an especially good choice for fry, because it can protect small fish from predators and provide a food source for newborns.

    Java Fern

    • Java ferns are easy to keep and reputed for their ability to efficiently filter nitrates and ammonia from water. Because java fern tastes bitter, it is usually left unharmed by aquarium fish.

    Water Wisteria

    • This attractive plant is ideal for fish that produce large amounts of nutrient and carbon pollution, like goldfish. It actually thrives in high-nitrate, low-oxygen waters.

    Sword Plant

    • The Amazon (or common) sword plant is one of the most popular ornamental plants for home aquariums. It grows quickly and is forgiving of poor lighting conditions.

    Water Sprite

    • An ideal plant for shy or young fish, this aquatic fern offers shade and hiding places. It has a high nutrient demand and is extremely effective in preventing the overgrowth of algae.