Setting Up an Aquarium With Live Plants

Adding live plants to your aquarium makes the tank visually interesting and more comfortable for your fish. When you have different types of fish, it's nice to have hiding spots so every fish has its own space. Plants can make the environment less stressful, and they will simulate the fishes' natural surroundings. In addition, plants remove some wastes and add oxygen to the water, making the water healthier.

Things You'll Need

  • Gravel/Sand
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      Clean out your aquarium before putting any new items into it. Just use a damp cloth and allow tank to air-dry. Avoid using soap, because a small amount of soap residue can kill your fish.

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      Pour 1 or 2 inches of gravel or sand into the bottom of the tank. Spread the ground covering out evenly with your hands.

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      Insert any of the following plants into your freshwater aquarium: Amazon sword,
      Argentine sword, Hygrophila polysperma, Java fern, umbrella plant or Vallisneria spiralis. Some saltwater plants include: Codium bursa, Codium vermilara or Udotea petiolata. Make sure their roots are fully covered by your gravel or sand.

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      Use a pitcher to pour water into the tank. Try to pour it as lightly and evenly as you can so you don't disturb the plants and gravel/sand.

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      Readjust the plants and gravel/sand when the tank is halfway filled. For a final touch, lay some floating plants in the tank. Hornwort is a floating plant that can help oxygenate your tank.