Visit your local pet store that sells fish. PetSmart or PetCo are examples. The prices may be a bit lower at these mega-stores, but your selection will be limited. The quality of plants may be questionable as the large pet stores are not specialized in aquarium plant care.
Buy plants from a specialized fish supply store in your area. These stores carry only fish and fish-related supplies. Here you can find a larger aquarium plant selection and a knowledgeable store employee. You might pay a little more for the plants than at a large pet store.
Shop at an online aquarium plant store. The best sites are run by hobbyists who have been growing and selling the plants for years. You can find huge selections of aquarium plants and knowledgeable store owners for assistance.
Remember that buying online means that you must pay for shipping. If you decide to go this route, ask the retailer how the plants are packaged for shipping. You want your aquarium plants wrapped individually as opposed to being bulk wrapped with a huge tangle of stems.
Try the online auction sites such as Ebay for another option. You might find good prices but be wary of the sellers. Read the online comments before buying. Some of the sellers might be shipping from overseas so it might cost more for shipping than the plant costs itself.
How to Buy Aquarium Plants
Plants can make your aquarium look like a lush tropical reef. Your fish will also enjoy munching on them. There are many places to buy aquarium plants and each has its pros and cons. Here's the scoop on each source.