The Safest Way to Lower PH in an Aquarium

The pH scale is a way of determining something's acidity or alkalinity. Since the scale goes from 0 or non-acidic to 17 which is very acidic, 7 is considered the optimal level. Maintaining the pH level in your freshwater aquarium is essential because high pH levels will kill off fish and plant life over time. To prevent this from happening, test the pH regularly with an aquarium pH test kit. If you discover the pH level is too high and needs to be lowered, the safest way to do this is to filter the water through peat moss or use drift wood. This is an effective method that won̵7;t disturb the fish or create chemical imbalances.

Things You'll Need

  • Peat moss
  • Drift wood
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      Unplug the aquarium̵7;s filter and remove it from the aquarium temporarily. Cut a piece of peat moss and insert it inside the aquarium filter, directly on top of the existing mesh filter already installed in the unit.

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      Replace the filter and turn it on. Allow the water to circulate through the peat moss filter. The water will eventually become more balanced because the peat moss helps soften the water and remove acidity.

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      Remove the rocks from the bottom of the aquarium and insert a sheet of peat moss directly on the floor of the aquarium. Put the rocks back on top of the moss. The peat moss on the floor of the aquarium will provide additional prevention against high pH levels and help lower the pH level.

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      Insert a large branch of driftwood in the aquarium. Not only will this look nice in the tank but drift wood has been proven to naturally lower the pH in water when left for a long period of time.