Things You'll Need
- Empty glass jar
- Household bleach
- Smooth polished craft rocks
- Aquarium silicone
- Aquarium plants
Wash an empty glass jar thoroughly. Add 1 cup of household bleach to a gallon of water and soak the jar in the solution for 24 hours. Rinse it well with hot running water. Drain the jar and air dry it thoroughly.
Flip the glass jar upside down. Glue a smooth polished craft rock to the center of the bottom with aquarium silicone. Surround it with a tight circle of rocks. Keep them as close together as you can to provide a solid covering of decorative rock.
Cover the entire outer surface of the jar with rocks. Leave the threaded top uncovered. Allow the silicone to dry thoroughly.
Submerge the spawning cave in the aquarium. Invert it and allow it to fill completely with water.
Push one side of the threaded lip of the jar into the substrate. Tilt the jar at an angle to create an opening between it and the substrate so the kribensis pair can enter the cave comfortably.
Reposition the cave to rest the side of the bottom of the jar against the aquarium glass if you need more stability. This prevents the cave from rocking.