How to Decorate a Fish Tank With Fake Plants

Decoration inside your aquarium does much more than add aesthetic appeal. As prey animals, your aquarium fish instinctively look for covering to protect against natural predators. The proper covering allows your fish to feel comfortable in their surroundings. This reduces stress and improves their overall health. Not all decorations are created equal, though. While you should follow some basic decoration rules that apply across the board, conduct research on the particular fish you have to duplicate their natural habitat.


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      Place a dark background behind the aquarium to prevent light from coming in the back. This serves several purposes. First, the background covers unsightly wiring that might take away from your aquarium's appeal. Second, some backgrounds come with graphics that enhance the decorations you already have in the tank. Third, backgrounds reduce the amount of light that enters the aquarium. This helps the fish feel protected from natural predators.

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      Place taller plants in the background to hide some of the plumbing in the aquarium. For example, filter pipes usually run vertically along one of the back corners. Place a tall plastic plant directly in front of the pipe to reduce its visibility.

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      Cover between 70 and 75 percent of the aquarium floor with decorations. This provides a variety of hiding spots for your fish while providing you with enough open spaces to easily see all your fish from the outside. Too many decorations may obstruct your view of your fish.

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      Use the tallest and largest pieces of decoration in the back of the aquarium and the smallest toward the front. This helps you see your fish from all angles.

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      Mimic the natural habitat of your fish. For example, use tall plants and driftwood for fish often found in slow-moving fresh water. Use large rock formations and logs for fish in fast-moving fresh water. And use decorations that look like coral or large seashells for saltwater fish.