Is D.E. Powder Safe for Fish?

Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) powder polishes aquarium water to perfect clarity. This organic powder has a unique pore structure that traps dirt and debris as small as one micron in size. Diatomaceous earth filters will remove parasites and dissolve organics from aquarium water. You need to clean this type of filter on a regular basis, though, and ideally you should not run it continuously. Diatomaceous earth is a pure natural product, which will not harm fish or beneficial aquarium bacteria and can be used without concern.
  1. Diatomaceous Earth

    • Diatomaceous earth is an all-natural product that consists of tiny fossilized water plants. Diatomaceous earth is siliceous mineral derived from the microscopic skeletal remains of fossilized diatoms. These unicellular algae-like plants build up to form chalky deposits of diatomite over millions of years. Several companies mine and ground up the diatoms into a soft powder that resembles talcum powder. Although diatomaceous earth is totally harmless to fish, be careful not to breathe in the dust.

    Particulate Matter

    • Particulate matter comprising metabolic waste products, uneaten food and decomposing aquatic plants typically accumulate in aquariums. Although much of this material sinks to the bottom of the aquarium, a certain amount remains suspended in the bulk water. Particulate matter makes aquarium water cloudy and irritates the gill filaments of fish. Diatomaceous earth filters are ideally suited to remove all particulate matter from aquarium water.

    Cloudy Water

    • Cloudy water reduces the amount of light that reaches plants and marine invertebrates, such as corals and anemones and, in severe cases, the deposits of detritus on the leaves of plants interferes with correct gas exchange. Freshwater plants and sea water invertebrates need the correct spectrum and intensity of light to photosynthesize and will not survive in cloudy water. Particulate matter also encourages blooms of bacteria. Due to its structure, diatomaceous earth powder will polish cloudy water and leave the aquarium crystal clear.

    Diatomaceous Filters

    • Aquarists add diatomaceous earth to water flowing into the filter compartment of a diatomaceous filter. This fine powder immediately coats the sides of the compartment, to create a filter surface that traps particles of dirt and detritus. Rinse off the used diatomaceous earth from the filter material on a regular basis. Discard this ̶0;exhausted̶1; powder and replace it with new diatomaceous earth. Aquarists often connect diatomaceous earth filters to an aquarium to remove free-swimming disease organisms after and during periods when the tank is particularly dirty, or is experiencing an algae bloom.