Clown Fish Small Tank Set Up for Beginners

Clown fish are small fish that like to hide among rocks and live plants. They require a saltwater environment and are considered to be excellent fish for beginners. Clown fish will play in and out of the rocks and plants and will add bright colors to your fish tank.
  1. Size of Tank

    • Many fish owners want to start with a small fish tank and that is acceptable if you are only keeping one or two very small clown fish. Sometimes fish owners start the fish in a small tank and then move the fish to a bigger one when the clown fish grow. Ideally the clown fish should be kept in the largest size tank that you can afford. A pair of small clown fish would be comfortable in a 20 gallon tank but they would do better in a 30 gallon tank. The tank should have plenty of hiding spots for the fish and the clown fish will also benefit from live saltwater plants.

    Water Consistency and Temperature

    • The water temperature in the fish tank should be anywhere between 75 and 82 F. The water consistency should be made up of seawater or water mixed with artificial salt filled to about an inch from the top of the tank. If you use the artificial salt you should follow the directions exactly because each brand of salt uses a different set of directions.

    Heater, Filter and Accessories

    • The clown fish require a heater to keep the water at the 75 to 82 F temperature and you should also place a fish tank thermometer into the tank. Make sure the filter is strong enough to filter out a 20 to 30 gallon fish tank. Look at the side of the box when you purchase the filter to determine the recommended tank size.

    Test the Fish tank for Chemicals

    • Test the fish tank to check its chemical levels. Make sure the ammonia levels are as close to zero as possible and the nitrate levels are between 1.020 and 1.026. Purchase test kits at a pet store or online to perform the chemical tests and follow the directions exactly when you do the testing. Allow the fish tank's filter to process the water for two to four weeks before adding the clown fish to the tank. This gives the healthy bacteria in the filter time to build up and the water chemical levels to stabilize.

    Add Clown Fish

    • Purchase two small healthy clown fish and add the fish to the tank once it has been running for the recommended time period. Place the fish, while still in the plastic bag, into the fish tank and allow the fish to get used to the temperature. Keep the fish in the bag for 15 minutes. Cut the top of the bag and release the fish into the tank.