What are characteristics about arctic biome?


* Average temperatures below 0°C (32°F)

* Long, cold winters with short, cool summers

* Low precipitation, mostly in the form of snow

* Strong winds and frequent blizzards


* Low-growing plants, such as mosses, lichens, and grasses

* Few trees, except in sheltered areas

* Plants often adapted to cold climates, such as having thick leaves and stems, or storing food underground


* Many animals that are adapted to cold climates, such as polar bears, seals, and walruses

* Some animals migrate to the Arctic in the summer to feed and breed, such as birds and caribou


* Arctic landscapes are often covered in snow and ice

* Permafrost, which is permanently frozen ground, is common

* There are many mountains, fjords, and glaciers in the Arctic

Human Activity

* The Arctic is home to a few small human populations, mostly in coastal areas

* Human activities in the Arctic include fishing, hunting, mining, and oil exploration

* Climate change is a major threat to the Arctic, and is causing sea ice to melt, permafrost to thaw, and plant and animal populations to change