How cree people hunt and fish?


Cree hunters traditionally used bows and arrows, spears, and traps to hunt animals. They often hunted in groups, and would sometimes use dogs to help them track prey. Some of the animals that Cree hunters hunted included deer, elk, moose, caribou, rabbits, and birds.


Cree fishers traditionally used nets, traps, and spears to catch fish. They often fished in lakes, rivers, and streams. Some of the fish that Cree fishers caught included trout, whitefish, pike, and sturgeon.


In addition to hunting and fishing, Cree people also gathered plants and berries to eat. Some of the plants that Cree people gathered included blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, chokecherries, and wild rice.


Cree people often preserved their food by drying, smoking, or freezing it. This allowed them to store food for long periods of time, which was important in a climate where food was not always plentiful.

Importance of Hunting, Fishing, and Gathering

Hunting, fishing, and gathering were essential activities for Cree people. These activities provided them with food, clothing, and shelter. They also played an important role in Cree culture and spirituality.