What species are extinct in last 100 years and what their causes of extinction?

Over the past 100 years, several species have become extinct due to various human-induced factors. Here are a few examples and the causes of their extinction:

1. Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius)

- Cause of Extinction: Uncontrolled hunting and habitat loss.

2. Great Auk (Pinguinus impennis)

- Cause of Extinction: Excessive hunting for feathers and meat, as well as egg collection.

3. Dodo (Raphus cucullatus)

- Cause of Extinction: Hunting by sailors and introduced predators like cats and pigs.

4. Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus)

- Cause of Extinction: Hunting, habitat loss, and competition from introduced species like dogs.

5. Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis)

- Cause of Extinction: Trapping for the pet trade and habitat loss.

6. Pyrenean Ibex (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica)

- Cause of Extinction: Overhunting and loss of habitat.

7. Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer)

- Cause of Extinction: Habitat destruction, pollution, and overfishing.

8. Spix's Macaw (Cyanopsitta spixii)

- Cause of Extinction: Trapping for the pet trade and habitat loss.

9. Western Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis longipes)

- Cause of Extinction: Poaching for horns and habitat loss.

10. Golden Toad (Bufo periglenes)

- Cause of Extinction: Climate change and habitat destruction.

These examples highlight the devastating impact of human activities, such as overhunting, habitat destruction, pollution, and introduction of invasive species, on biodiversity and ecosystems. Conservation efforts and sustainable practices are essential to prevent further species extinctions.