- Poaching: Poaching is the illegal hunting, capturing, or killing of animals, often for their fur, skin, meat, or other body parts. Poaching is a major threat to endangered species, as it can quickly reduce their populations to unsustainable levels.
- Habitat loss and fragmentation: Habitat loss and fragmentation can make it difficult for endangered species to find food, shelter, and mates, making them more vulnerable to hunting.
- Climate change: Climate change can alter the habitats of endangered species, making them more vulnerable to hunting.
- Disease: Disease can also make endangered species more vulnerable to hunting, as it can weaken them and make them easier to kill.
- Human-wildlife conflict: Human-wildlife conflict can occur when endangered species come into contact with humans, resulting in conflict over resources such as food and space. This conflict can lead to hunting of endangered species as a way to manage or reduce the conflict.