What is Great white sharks environment?

Pelagic zone: Great white sharks are found in the open ocean, far from the shore, in the pelagic zone. This is a layer of the ocean between the photic zone (which receives sunlight) and the benthic zone (the bottom of the ocean). The pelagic zone is home to many different marine organisms, including fish, squids, and jellyfish.

Coastal waters: Great white sharks also come close to shore in search of food, where they can find prey such as seals, sea lions, and fish. They may even enter estuaries, bays, and harbours.

Temperature: Great white sharks prefer water temperatures between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This is why they are found in temperate and subtropical waters around the world.

Depth: Great white sharks are found at a wide range of depths, from the surface to over 1,200 feet deep. They are known to dive to depths of up to 3,000 feet in search of prey.