What kind of animals live in the Great Lakes area?


- White-tailed deer

- Raccoon

- Eastern grey squirrel

- Red fox

- Coyote

- North American beaver

- Muskrat

- Mink

- River otter

- Bald eagle

- Wild turkey


- American robin

- Northern cardinal

- Blue jay

- Mourning dove

- Song sparrow

- Red-winged blackbird

- Wood thrush

- Great blue heron

- Osprey

- Great horned owl


- Lake trout

- Chinook salmon

- Coho salmon

- Steelhead

- Brown trout

- Rainbow trout

- Brook trout

- Walleye

- Yellow perch

- Smallmouth bass

- Largemouth bass


- Eastern garter snake

- Common snapping turtle

- Blanding's turtle

- Painted turtle

- Northern water snake

- Queen snake


- Wood frog

- Spring peeper

- Northern leopard frog

- Green frog

- Bullfrog

- Eastern newt


- Lake fly

- Mayfly

- Caddisfly

- Dragonfly

- Damselfly

- Water strider

- Backswimmer

- Water beetle

- Crayfish

- Clam

- Mussel

- Leech

- Earthworm