The angler fish is adapted to which environmental condition?
The angler fish is adapted to the extreme conditions found in the deep sea. For instance, many deep-sea anglerfish have evolved bioluminescent lures to attract prey in the blackness of the deep sea. They also tend to have large mouths and sharp teeth to capture unsuspecting prey that are drawn to their lures. Their bodies are usually long and slender, and their tail fins are often well-developed to help them navigate the deep sea currents. Additionally, they have large livers that store fats which provide energy in an environment where food is scarce. In some deep-sea anglerfish species, the females and males differ drastically in size with the female being much larger. While deep-sea anglerfish come in different shapes and sizes, these general adaptations allow them to survive and even reproduce in the unique darkness and high-pressure conditions found thousands of feet below the surface of the ocean.