Is fish life cycle and pisciculture are same?

No, the fish life cycle and pisciculture are not the same. Here's the breakdown:

* Fish Life Cycle: This refers to the natural stages of a fish's life, from egg to adult. It includes:

* Egg: The fertilized egg stage where the embryo develops.

* Larva: The free-swimming stage after hatching, where the fish relies on yolk sac for nutrition.

* Fry: The stage after the yolk sac is absorbed, where the fish begins to actively feed.

* Juvenile: The growing stage where the fish develops its adult features.

* Adult: The mature stage where the fish can reproduce.

* Pisciculture: This is the practice of raising fish in controlled environments, such as ponds, tanks, or cages, for commercial purposes. It involves:

* Breeding: Selecting and managing fish for reproduction.

* Feeding: Providing controlled diets and supplements.

* Water Quality Management: Maintaining optimal water conditions.

* Harvesting: Collecting fish at the appropriate size and time.

In short:

* Fish Life Cycle: The natural process of a fish's life.

* Pisciculture: The human-managed process of raising fish for profit.

Think of it this way:

* The fish life cycle is like the natural story of a fish's journey.

* Pisciculture is like a farmer growing crops, but with fish instead of plants.