Things You'll Need
- Aquarium filter
- Aquarium tank plants
- Suitable food
- Siphon
Choose about six fish to breed so that each may find their own mating partner. Select fish that are energetic, healthy and have not been exposed to disease. Check that the fish's body and fins are intact and unscathed. Research the kind of fish you are trying to breed to help you select those that have the best chance of reproducing. Consult with a pet store associate or fish expert if you have further questions about how to select fish to breed.
Ensure that your fish's environment promotes excellent filtration and water quality. Install an aquarium filter if your tank does not already use one. The aquarium filter will remove harmful particles from the water, which will improve water quality. If it suits the breed of fish you have selected, remove the gravel from the tank to avoid having harmful bacteria build up at the bottom of the tank. Use a siphon to gently remove any floating debris to avoid having to change the water entirely.
Mimic the fish's natural environment during their breeding season when setting up your tank. Some fish breed in warmer water or seek refuge in plants, so provide your fish the environmental aspects they prefer for mating. Achieve this by altering the water temperature in the tank, adding tank plants or making any other subtle changes needed.
Provide your fish an adequate diet. Feed the as often as they are hungry, but do not feed them more than they can eat in one feeding. Leftover food will settle at the bottom of the tank, causing build-up, which can hinder fish reproduction.
Wait for a period of time ranging from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the type of fish you are breeding, to see if your fish breed. Research the mating rituals of your fish so you can observe and better gauge their behavior.