Prepare a Holding Container
Prepare a large plastic container by washing it and its lid. Then dry them completely before use. Plan the size of your container based on the amount of minnows that you plan to hold. Have 1/2 inch of space between each minnow.
Allow for Air
Drill one dozen holes into the lid with a power drill equipped with a 1/8-inch drill bit. Space the holes approximately two inches apart. Purchase an aerator at a pet or pond supply store and install it into the container. Cut a hole into the lid of the container with a hobby knife to allow for the power cord of the aerator.
Heat the Unit
Install an aquarium heater rated for the amount of water in the bucket into the plastic container.
Introduce the Minnows
Fill your container with water, turn on the aerator and adjust the temperature to between 65 and 75 degrees. Maintain that temperature for one hour before you introduce minnows to the container. Place the minnows into the container and seal the lid.
Homemade Minnow Bucket
Minnows are a small fish related to the carp family. Fishermen use them as bait to catch larger fish. Stores that sell sporting supplies and bait often also sell manufactured minnow containers to keep the fish alive. You can make your own minnow buckets relatively easily at a low cost and with minimal supplies.