How Long to Use Ick Guard?

Ick Guard, produced by Jungle Labs, can be used to treat fish suffering from an infestation of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, or "ick"/"ich." This parasitic infection is a common ailment for fish, since the parasites are naturally found in the tank.
  1. Recommended Dose

    • The recommended dose for Ick Guard is one teaspoon of the product per ten gallons of water in the tank, for normal-sized fish. For smaller fish, such as tetras, the dose should be halved.

    Tank Requirements

    • For the Ick Guard to work correctly, all activated carbon needs to be removed from the water filtration system. After the first dose of the medication, a 25 percent water exchange should be completed. Repeat as necessary, based on the response to the medication and severity of the infection.

    Active Ingredients

    • The Ick Guard product uses both Formalin and Malachite Green to fight the infection. Formalin is a type of formaldehyde that can be used to treat aquatic infections. Malachite green can be toxic if overused, so use appropriate dosages for the size of the fish and quantity of water.