Can Aquarium Salt & Stress Coat Be Used Together?

Aquarium salt and the popular water conditioner brand Stress Coat can be used together in some situations. Stress Coat is touted to help a fish retain their healthy layer of body slime in times of stress.
  1. Considerations

    • Aquarium salt is needed to recreate the type of water to which brackish and marine or saltwater pet fish are accustomed. Stress Coat and Stress Coat Marine can be used in brackish or marine tanks, according to the manufacturer.


    • Stress Coat and Stress Coat Marine may cause foam to form at the top of salt water tanks. The foam is harmless. This does not happen to freshwater or brackish water tanks.


    • Stress Coat cannot be used to combat illness in freshwater tanks like aquarium salt can, although it can be used to help heal injuries. Illnesses like ick where injuries are not apparent can be helped by aquarium salt but not Stress Coat, according to "Freshwater Aquarium Problem Solver."