Iron-Rich Well Water & Goldfish

Goldfish and other aquatic animals require water to live. It is not only their habitat but also their life source. Using clean, uncontaminated water for aquatic pets will help them live a long healthy life.
  1. Benefits

    • Using well water can save a considerable amount on water supply bills. It can be a close, convenient source of water that is usually free of chemicals such as chlorine, ozone and chloramine which are highly toxic to fish.


    • Well water may be contaminated by chemical run off from local land. This means it could contain pesticides, fertilizers, chemical waste and biological waste. Well water may also contain dissolved metals such as iron and copper. The carp family, of which the goldfish is a member, are known to be vulnerable to heavy metal toxicity.


    • Always use the water supply that poses the least threat to your fish. Always determine the chemical composition, pH and hardness of a water source before using it for fish. If both the local main's water and well water are likely to be toxic to fish, consider investing in a reverse osmosis unit. RO water must be re-mineralized before it is safe for fish.