How to Safely Lower pH in Water

A little must be understood about pH and how it relates to aquarium water so that we can provide a stable, safe environment for our pets. In short, there are three main considerations. First, each aquatic plant and animal has an optimum pH range and some are more fussy than others. Second, pH cannot be changed without affecting the hardness of the water. Finally, sudden pH shifts are a disaster in a stocked aquarium.

Things You'll Need

  • pH testing kit
  • RO water
  • Bucket
  • Notebook
  • Pen
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    • 1

      Test the pH of your aquarium water and the RO water. Note the results.

    • 2

      Remove 5 percent of the water from your aquarium and refill with RO water. Test the water after 10 minutes and note the result.

    • 3

      Perform small water changes with RO water until your pH has lowered by 0.1. Take a note of how much water needed to be replaced with RO.

    • 4

      Repeat Steps 2 and 3 every 48 hours until your desired pH is reached. Ensure pH only lowers by 0.1 each time.