Fish Diseases & Cures

According to Animal World, there are many different diseases that can affect aquarium fish. Most of these diseases are either bacterial, parasitic or fungal. The majority of fish diseases can be diagnosed by their symptoms and can be successfully treated. In addition, many fish diseases are preventable by conducting regular tank maintenance.
  1. Bacterial Infections

    • Pet Education explains that some of the common bacterial infections in fish are fin rot, mouth rot and tuberculosis.

      Fin rot is caused by the aeromonas, pseudomonas and flexibacter bacterium, and is characterized by red streaks in the fins, followed by fraying and deterioration. The infection can spread to the rest of the body. It is treated by bathing fish in a gentle salt solution or treating the tank with antibiotics.

      Mouth rot is caused by a bacteria called flexibacter columnaris. The fish develops white marks on its head and gills. As the disease spreads, the fish develops fluffy white growths in and around its mouth. This disease is treatable by using a phenoxyethanol bath or antibiotics.

      Fish tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium. Fish with tuberculosis may be extremely thin and lack energy. The fish will eventually develop physical deformities. The antibiotics anamycin and erythromycin are occasionally successful as a treatment method, but the prognosis for fish with tuberculosis is not positive.

    Parasitic Infections

    • According to the Exotic Pet Vet website, parasites can be divided into two groups. Endoparasites live inside the host fish, and ectoparasites attach themselves to the outside of the body. Many parasitic infections in aquarium populations are caused by not quarantining new fish for three to six weeks before introduction into a new aquarium, ensuring that it is not carrying any diseases that can infect the other fish. Outbreaks are also caused because of poor water quality. The symptoms of a parasitic infection can vary depending upon the organism. Ich is one of the most common parasitic diseases. It is caused by the ichthyophthirius multifiliis protozoan. The infection causes the fish to break out in white patches. Ich can be treated using a mild saltwater dip. It can also be treated with formaldehyde or a malachite green bath.

    Fungal Infections

    • According to Pet MD, two common fungal infections in fish are called saprolegnia and ichthyophonus hoferi. These infections can be caused by infected fish food or unsanitary water. The symptoms of ichthyophonus hoferi are bulging eyes, loss of pigmentation and internal ulceration. Saprolegnia is characterized by a cottony gray growth across the fish's entire body. Saprolegnia can be treated with a potassium permanganate solution, while ichthyophonus can be treated by raising the salt, temperature and electrolyte levels in the tank. These diseases can be avoided by keeping the tank environment free of dead fish and debris.