How to Diagnose Sick Aquarium Fish

Studies have shown that simply watching a tank full of tropical fish can lower blood pressure, but when your fish are sick, it is anything but relaxing. It is important for any aquarium hobbyist, from the beginner to the experienced, to be on the lookout for signs of illness in their fish. Catching an infection early is the best way to treat it effectively. Treating the problem quickly can save the sick fish and his tank mates as well, since many fish diseases are highly communicable.

Things You'll Need

  • Fish tank
  • Magnifying glass
  • Fish net
  • Bleach
  • Extra tank
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      Watch your fish closely for any signs of illness. Many fish diseases will not be evident right away, so it is important to be vigilant and know what is normal and abnormal for your own tank.

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      Use a magnifying glass to look at the fish through the tank. Look for white spots on the side of the fish. These white spots are signs of a common fish illness called ich. Ich is highly communicable and, if not caught in time, can quickly spread to the rest of the fish in the tank.

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      Observe your fish as they swim around the tank. If your fish are swimming in circles or appearing to have trouble with their balance, a swim bladder infection could be to blame.

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      Use your magnifying glass to examine the fins of the fish. A white residue or cottony material is a sign of a fungal infection.

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      Remove any sick fish to a quarantine tank right away. Setting up a separate quarantine tank in which to treat the sick fish is the best way to spare the rest of your fish and stop the infection from spreading. Use a separate net to remove the sick fish and dip that net in bleach after all the sick fish have been moved.