Eye Disease in Tropical Fish

Eyes diseases in fish are usually symptomatic of a larger issue. By looking at the specific symptoms of your fish, you may be able to successfully treat your entire tank and improve the health of the aquatic community. Most conditions in fish, if not treated promptly, will result in the fish's death.
  1. Cloudy Eyes

    • Cloudy eyes, frequently caused by a bacterial infection, should be treated with an in-tank antibiotic. This can be added to the water or provided through a medicated food.

    Pop eye

    • Pop eye, scientifically referred to as exophthalmia, results in bulging eyeballs caused by a fluid build up behind the eye. Bacterial infection, trauma and vitamin A deficiency can all cause this condition.

    Opaque Eyes

    • Opaque eyes are frequently caused by nutritional deficiencies. The most effective way to treat this condition is by improving your fish's diet including giving your fish supplemental vitamins.


    • Trauma, like fighting with another fish, or scraping an eye on plastic plant decorations often results in an eye infection. Animals whose eyes have suffered trauma should be moved to an isolation tank and treated with antibiotics until they heal.


    • If a fish acts blind and there is no visible sign of trauma or infection, nutrition and lighting may be to blame. Dim the lights in the tank and buy a higher quality food. While it is impossible to restore sight in the blind fish, it will prevent blindness in your other fish.