How to Treat a Bacterial Cloud in the Eye of a Discus Fish

Discus fish are natives of the Amazon River. Like all types of fish, they are susceptible to bacterial infections, including cloudy eye. Cloudy eye causes swelling cloudiness in the eye, according to Reef Stewardship Foundation. This infection can be treated by using a special solution that kills the bacteria.

Things You'll Need

  • Small container
  • 4 liters of water
  • 10 percent solution of Baytril oral solution
  • Air stone
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    • 1

      Fill a container with four liters of water.

    • 2

      Add one milliliter of 10 percent solution of Baytril oral solution to the water. This solution can be obtained at a veterinarian's office.

    • 3

      Put an air stone into the container. An air stone can be purchased at pet stores and keeps water aerated.

    • 4

      Place the discus fish into the water for one hour.

    • 5

      Place the discus fish back into its normal aquarium after the hour is up.

    • 6

      Turn off the air stone. Keep the water as is, because the solution can be reused for five days.

    • 7

      Repeat this process once a day for five consecutive days.