Humane Way to Euthanize a Sick Betta Fish

As a pet owner, there often comes a time when we are forced to step in and euthanize our pets, for their own sake. Some animals are just too sick to be treated within costly means, and this includes fish. Contrary to what many people may believe, it is possible to euthanize a sick betta fish.
  1. Decide on Your Method of Choice

    • There are three main methods of euthanasia that people employ to kill a sick fish. Some of them are more questionable than others, but it is important to choose the method that is most acceptable to you as a pet owner. The three most popular methods of euthanizing a sick betta fish are beheading, freezing or anesthesia.


    • To freeze your betta, scoop it out of the bowl and place it in a cup of water. Place the cup in the freezer. This may be the most humane method of all, as it will cause your fish to fall into a deep sleep and eventually die. Once the water has frozen, toss the whole thing into your garbage.

    Clove Oil

    • Using clove oil as anesthesia is one of the most common methods of euthanasia for betta fish. This is easy for most people. Scoop your fish out of the tank and put it into a cup of water. Drop a few drops of clove oil into the tank with your betta fish, and it will suffocate. Clove oil is a numbing agent, so the fish feels no pain as it dies.


    • To behead the betta, take the fish out of water and make a clean cut of the head with a sharp knife. This can get messy, and is not generally recommended. If you choose it, however, it may be helpful to anesthetize the fish with clove oil before beheading.