White Bumps on Pond Fish

Having a pond fish is just like having any other animal as a pet. They get sick and contract diseases like all living things. White bumps on your pond fish are usually signs of a parasite infection.
  1. White Bumps

    • White bumps is a common disease known as Ich, which stands for Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. The white bumps you see are parasites and they feed on your fish's body fluid.


    • Pond fish become more susceptible to white bumps disease if they are stressed from having poor water conditions or they get a sudden chill.


    • Aside from the visible white bumps, your fish may start to scratch constantly against their gravel or experience rapid breathing.

    Can It Spread?

    • If you have a pond fish that you think may have white bumps then you want to remove that fish from the pond. The disease can spread rapidly to the other fish, and they too can develop white bumps.


    • To treat your fish, you'll need to change the water, clean the rocks and add a medication like Quick Cure each day for 10 days. You can also prevent future outbreaks by adding aquarium salt to your tank. If the white bumps go untreated, your fish may die.