Fish Lice Prevention Treatment

It doesn't come from sharing hats or having heads too close together. And the school nurse won't be sending anyone home because of them ... but fish lice poses a serious problem for pet fish and even fish in the wild. How can you help your scaled friends from getting lice? It's easy.
  1. Fish Lice

    • Fish lice aren't actually lice at all, but a waterborne parasite called Argulus that latches onto fish. Like real lice, they stick a small straw-like mouth into fish so that they can feed from their hosts. Much like a spider, they actually liquefy the fish's flesh and suck it in through their "straw."

      Fish lice are sometimes visible to the eye--and certainly their effects are visible as fish develop red, raw patches from the deterioration the lice cause. Fish may also start bumping up against tank or pond sides or plants as they itch or hurt.

    Prevention And Cure

    • When it comes to fish lice, cure and prevention are practically the same thing. Medications used to cure fish lice are added to a tank or pond and circulate throughout the fish habitat. The medications also kill any parasites which may swim in the water or hide anywhere in the tank or pond. Products like Pond Parasite Guard or Fizz Tabs Parasite Treatment are designed to kill fish lice and other parasites.

    New Fish

    • The most common way for a tank or pond to get fish lice is for the parasites to come in on a new fish. Checking your new fish carefully may save a lot of pain and discomfort for your older fish friends.

      When buying new fish, ask questions of the fish store or seller. Have there been any parasite outbreaks? Have any fish been sick or died? Have the fish been in a tank treated for parasites or parasite preventatives?

      Screening smartly is often the best way to maintain a healthy tank or pond.