How Can I Tell If My Guppy Is Pregnant?

Guppies are often purchased through pet stores, and a large number of female guppies are already pregnant by the time they are purchased. This is because male and female guppies are housed together in most pet store aquariums. Determining whether a female guppy is pregnant is not a difficult task once you understand the process of determination.
  1. Live Bearing

    • The guppy is a live-bearing fish, which means that she is going to give birth to live babies rather than laying eggs as many fish varieties do. When the female guppy gives birth to her young, the babies are very tiny and capable of being eaten by the other fish in the tank. For this reason, preparation is necessary to make sure that there are ample hiding places for the fry to survive. The sooner that you know that your guppy is pregnant, the sooner you will be able to plan for the care of the fry.

    The Gravid Spot

    • The gravid spot in the female guppy is going to grow larger while darkening as fertilized eggs within the fish begin to develop. The gravid spot is a dark spot located at the back of the female guppy's belly. The spot should be nearly black close to the time where the guppy is going to deliver. The average gestation period for a guppy is 28 days. She can drop between two and 200 fry, though a normal drop is between 30 and 60 fry.

    Difficulty Swimming

    • Although not always the case, when delivery is close, the female guppy will often have difficulty swimming. This is because the developing fry are weighing her down. Although this does not occur in all female guppies, watch for it on a daily basis.

    Delivery Preparation

    • Just before delivery, the female guppy will begin refusing to eat. She may also start to look for a hiding place. If you notice your female guppy spending more time in the plants or behind tank decorations, this is an indicator that she is preparing to give birth. When your female guppy begins to refuse eating, this is an indicator that she is about to deliver. Watch her close during daily feeding times, and when she becomes less interested in food, she is likely only a day or two away from delivery.