Thoroughly wash the towels used to cover tanks before using on people or pets. Several towels draped across your aquarium will keep your fish safe from flea bomb mist. For best results, use three or four towels to create layers of protection. Dampen yet another towel and drape it over the dry towels. The damp towel not only holds the dry towels in place, but it also helps to collect the mist released by the flea bomb.
Trash bags
Use heavy-duty trash bags to protect your fish from flea bomb fumes. Heavy-duty trash bags are made of thick plastic that will effectively block the toxic fumes from entering your fish tank. Cut a trash bag down the length of the sides and place it over the aquarium. Seal the bag to the side of the tank with duct tape.
Painter's Plastic
Painter's plastic has multiple protective uses. A large piece of painter's plastic will keep dangerous fumes from entering your aquarium. Drape the plastic over the top of the tank so that it is completely covered. Secure the ends of the plastic with duct tape to form a tight seal that flea bomb mist cannot penetrate.
Plastic Wrap
Keep flea bomb toxins away from your fish with plastic wrap. Plastic wrap also protects against flea bomb mist. Wrap the plastic across the top of the aquarium, from one side to the other, until the opening is completely covered. Repeat this until there are several layers of plastic wrap across the tank. Use duct tape to secure the ends of the plastic to the tank.
What to Cover Fish Tanks With to Flea Bomb
If your furry pet has brought home little jumping pests, you may have to flea bomb your home to get rid of the uninvited house guests. While flea bombs are effective at killing fleas, they also pose a danger to your other pets, especially fish. Before exercising such measures, you must cover your tank and leave it covered for at least four hours. Covering your tank is simple and economical, because many household items can be pressed into service as an aquarium cover.