Life Span of Female Betta Fish Vs. Male

Betta fish, or Siamese fighting fish, are growing in popularity. Beautiful in color and easy to take care of, Betta fish require only a few amenities. Male Bettas and female Bettas have primarily the same needs. To keep up their health, feed regularly and change the filter on your aquarium every three months. It possible, buy Betta fish that have not come from a breeder. Often more expensive these Bettas, male or female, have a longer life expectancy
  1. Appearance

    • Male Betta fish are more colorful, found in vibrant reds, blues and greens. Female Betta fish are more of a muted green. The male Betta uses his color and long flowing fins to intimidate any other male fish in his territory. This is taxing to his body and can decrease his life expectancy.


    • Betta fish are called Siamese fighting fish for a reason. Male Betta's will fight other male Betta's to the death. So if you plan on keeping more than one Betta fish in the same aquarium, keep only one male. The female Betta happily lives among other Betta fish, without fighting, making it easier for the female Betta to live longer.


    • All Betta fish, male or female, flourish in large spaces. This is why you will often see Bettas in aquariums or bowls all by themselves.


    • The average lifespan of a Betta is two to three years. Some of the male's behavioral characteristics can take months or years off of his life. The female Betta, in controlled environments, will outlive a male Betta by three to six months.