What is the IQ of a fighting fish?

The concept of IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is typically associated with testing and quantifying cognitive abilities in humans. Measuring IQ in non-human animals may be challenging due to varying cognitive structures and capabilities.

Bettas, also known as fighting fish, are a species of fish belonging to the genus Betta. While the term fighting fish is often used, it's important to note that aggression can be dependent on individual temperament, environmental conditions, and species of Betta.

The intelligence of fish is a complex field of study, and quantifying their cognitive abilities can be challenging. Bettas have shown abilities such as learning and recognizing their owners, memory retention, and the ability to solve simple puzzles. However, their cognitive abilities are not comparable to those of humans or other higher mammals, and assigning a human-like IQ to them may not be scientifically appropriate or accurate.