How to Get Rid of Tadpoles in Standing Water

Tadpoles can become a real problem in your pool or garden pond, as frogs like to breed in standing water. Tadpoles and spawn can give the water in your pond an undesirable, murky appearance. Tadpoles and frogs, however, play a significant part in the ecosystem by eating garden pests, so it is important to use a humane method when removing them from your pond or pool.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Net
  • River
  • Saltwater solution
  • Garden sprayer
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      Fill the bucket with water from your pond or pool.

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      Remove the tadpoles from your pond, pool or other standing water using the net. Deposit them into the bucket.

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      Release the tadpoles into a local lake, river or nature pool. Tadpoles must be released into a nearby area to ensure that any possible diseases do not spread beyond your local region.

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      Spray the area around your pond with a homemade saltwater solution--this can be easily prepared by dissolving 4 tbsp. of salt in 2 pints of warm water.

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      Remove any piles of leaves or garden waste from the area surrounding your pond or pool, as these will encourage frogs to inhabit them.