Does growing plants in fish bowl give enough oxygen to the fish?

While growing plants in a fish bowl can provide some oxygen to the fish, it is generally not sufficient to meet the fish's oxygen requirements. Fish need a constant supply of oxygen in order to breathe, and the amount of oxygen produced by plants is often not enough to sustain a healthy fish population. Additionally, the plants themselves may consume oxygen at night, further depleting the available oxygen for the fish.

For these reasons, it is important to provide additional oxygen sources for fish in a bowl, such as an air pump or filter that circulates the water and adds oxygen to it. It is also important to keep the water clean and free of debris, as decaying organic matter can consume oxygen and create harmful toxins for the fish.

Here are some tips for providing adequate oxygen for fish in a bowl:

- Use a large fish bowl with a wide surface area, as this allows more oxygen to dissolve into the water.

- Keep the water clean and free of debris.

- Use an air pump or filter to circulate the water and add oxygen to it.

- Avoid overcrowding the bowl with fish, as this can lead to oxygen depletion.

- Monitor the fish for signs of oxygen deprivation, such as gasping at the surface of the water or hanging near the water intake. If you observe these signs, take steps to increase the oxygen levels in the water.