How do you fill in a pond?


- Soil or sand

- Sufficient amount to fill the pond and create a slight dome/mound

- Shovel or excavator

- Wheelbarrow or similar for transporting soil/sand

- Water hose

- Landscape fabric or similar material

- Plants (optional)


1. Drain the Pond: If the pond is filled with water, drain the water completely before beginning the filling process. This can be done using a water pump or by digging a trench to let the water flow out gradually.

2. Remove Debris: Clear any debris, such as leaves, plants, or rocks, from the empty pond. This will make it easier to fill and level the area.

3. Install a Liner: If desired, you can install a liner such as landscape fabric to help prevent the soil from settling and creating low spots. Cut the liner to fit the shape and size of the pond, and place it over the bottom of the empty pond.

4. Start Filling: Begin filling the pond with the chosen material, such as soil or sand. Use a shovel or excavator to add material in manageable amounts and spread it evenly. Compact the material as you add it to create a stable base.

5. Water Regularly: While filling, periodically water the added soil or sand. This helps settle and compact the material, reducing the risk of it settling unevenly or creating voids.

6. Continue Filling and Leveling: Keep adding soil or sand and leveling it until the pond is filled to the desired level. Create a slight dome or mound in the center of the filled area to allow for settling and drainage.

7. Add Plants: If desired, you can add plants to the filled area after it has settled and stabilized. Choose plants that are suitable for the chosen material and the surrounding environment.

Remember, the specific instructions may vary depending on the size, condition, and surroundings of the pond being filled. It's always a good practice to consult with professionals, such as landscapers or engineers, if the pond is large, structurally complex, or located in an area with specific regulations.