What plants are best for aquaponics using water in a high pH range This would mean that the plant need to thrive and be very efficient at up nitrates phosphates?

Plants that are well-suited for aquaponics in high pH water (above 7.0) and are efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates include:

1. Watercress (Nasturtium officinale): Watercress is a highly nutritious leafy green that grows rapidly in water. It can tolerate pH levels up to 8.5 and is very efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates.

2. Duckweed (Lemna minor): Duckweed is a small, free-floating aquatic plant that reproduces quickly. It can tolerate pH levels up to 9.0 and is very effective at removing nitrates and phosphates from water.

3. Azolla (Azolla filiculoides): Azolla is a fern-like aquatic plant that forms a dense mat on the water surface. It can tolerate pH levels up to 8.5 and is very efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates.

4. Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): Water hyacinth is a fast-growing aquatic plant that can tolerate pH levels up to 8.0. It is effective at absorbing nitrates and phosphates from water, but it can become invasive in some areas.

5. Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes): Water lettuce is a free-floating aquatic plant that forms a rosette of leaves. It can tolerate pH levels up to 8.5 and is very efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates.

6. Red Root Floater (Phyllanthus fluitans): Red root floater is a beautiful aquatic plant with vibrant red roots. It can tolerate pH levels up to 8.0 and is effective at absorbing nitrates and phosphates.

7. Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus): Amazon sword is a popular aquarium plant that can also be grown in aquaponics. It can tolerate pH levels up to 8.0 and is efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates.

8. Anubias (Anubias barteri): Anubias is a low-maintenance aquatic plant that can tolerate pH levels up to 8.5. It is efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates and can grow well even in low-light conditions.

9. Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus): Java fern is another low-maintenance aquatic plant that can thrive in high pH water. It can tolerate pH levels up to 8.5 and is effective at absorbing nitrates and phosphates.

10. Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum): Hornwort is a submerged aquatic plant that can tolerate pH levels up to 9.0. It is very efficient at absorbing nitrates and phosphates and can help oxygenate the water.