Here's why a traditional fry saver won't work for goldfish and what you can do to increase fry survival:
Why a traditional fry saver won't work:
* Goldfish eggs are sticky: They stick to surfaces like plants, decorations, and even the tank itself. A traditional fry saver is a net or cage that floats in the water, and goldfish eggs wouldn't adhere to it.
* Goldfish fry need hiding spots: Goldfish fry are extremely vulnerable to predation by their parents and other fish. They need plenty of hiding spots, which a traditional fry saver wouldn't provide.
Here's what you can do to help goldfish fry survive:
1. Create a breeding tank: The best way to raise goldfish fry is to move the breeding pair to a separate tank. This tank should be well-planted with fine-leaved plants like java moss, water sprite, or anacharis. These plants provide hiding spots for the fry and also help to oxygenate the water.
2. Provide hiding spots: If you can't move the breeding pair, provide hiding spots in the main tank using small caves, rocks, and driftwood.
3. Control water parameters: Goldfish fry are sensitive to water quality. Make sure the water is clean and well-oxygenated. You can use a sponge filter for gentle water movement.
4. Feed appropriately: Goldfish fry need a fine-grained diet, such as baby brine shrimp, microworms, or crushed flake food.
5. Remove the parents: Once the fry are free-swimming, the parents will likely eat them. It is best to remove the parents from the tank or move the fry to a separate tank.
Remember: Goldfish fry are very delicate and raising them can be challenging. Be prepared to lose some fry, even with the best care.