Here are the products people used to, or still do, whale hunt for:
* Meat: Whale meat is a source of protein and has been traditionally consumed by many cultures.
* Blubber: Whale blubber is a thick layer of fat that was used for various purposes, including:
* Oil: Rendered blubber was a valuable source of oil used for lighting, lubrication, and manufacturing soap.
* Food: Blubber was also consumed as a source of fat and energy.
* Baleen: Baleen is a type of filter-feeding plate found in baleen whales. It was used for:
* Corsets and stays: Baleen was a strong and flexible material used to create stiffening for women's clothing.
* Fishing rods: Baleen strips were used to make fishing rods and other tools.
* Whips: Baleen was used to make whips because of its flexibility and strength.
* Bones: Whale bones were used for various purposes, including:
* Tools: Whale bones were used to create tools like harpoons, spear points, and knives.
* Construction: Whale bones were also used in the construction of houses and boats.
* Art: Some cultures used whale bones for carving and other artistic pursuits.
* Skin: Whale skin was used for various purposes, including:
* Clothing: Whale skin was used to make clothing, especially boots and waterproof garments.
* Rope: Whale skin was also used to make rope and other cordage.
It's important to understand that whaling has had a devastating impact on whale populations. Modern whaling has been significantly reduced due to international agreements and conservation efforts.
Today, whaling is primarily practiced by indigenous communities for subsistence purposes, often under strict regulations and quotas.