The protein skimmer removes scum-like dissolved organic compounds. The only pump in the Super Skimmer is a water impeller. One model uses an air aspirator ("Venturi") to inject bubbles without an air pump; other models use a needle-wheel (an impeller with many needle-like spokes) to create tiny bubbles for better foam.
Wrong Size
A common problem is using a skimmer that is too small for the aquarium system, the symptom of which is poor water quality. The aquarium's volume and its bioload (number of animals) should be considered.
Not Producing Foam
Most often, lack of foam is a sign that the skimmer simply needs adjustment. In a new aquarium or one with a small bioload, the water may be too clean for the Coralife Super Skimmer to produce much foam.
Overflowing Foam
The Super Skimmer is sensitive to adjustments and even a slight adjustment may cause foam to overflow out of the collection cup. Monitor the skimmer carefully after any adjustment.
Coralife Super Skimmer Problems
The Coralife Super Skimmer is a protein skimmer (foam fractionator) for saltwater aquariums, available in several types and sizes. As with most skimmers, users sometimes have problems getting it to function correctly.